According to Steam, Starfield's release has been pushed back to late 2023

By: Anton Kratiuk | 05.10.2022, 13:25

The release of the ambitious Starfield RPG from Bethesda was scheduled for November 11, 2022, but a few months ago it was announced that it was moved to the beginning of 2023.

Now there's new information: the Steam database noticed a different date: December 29, 2023.

It is worth noting that almost always dates so close to the end of the year are only temporary "stubs" that do not correspond to the actual release date.

Given the scale of the project and ambitions of the developers, we can assume that they really need a whole year to finalize Starfield and the game will be released in 2024.

Only an official comment from Bethesda could clarify the situation. We suggest we wait for it.

One thing is certain: Starfield will be released only on PC and Xbox Series.