New circumstances of the failed Cyberpunk 2077 release: Romanian testers neglected the contract with CD Projekt Red

By: Anton Kratiuk | 09.10.2022, 12:29

Probably in the near future another scandal associated with Cyberpunk 2077 will break.

All gamers remember the failed launch of the most anticipated game of the last few years. CD Projekt Red studio promised to release the game of unsurpassed quality, but instead it was half-ready game with an incredible number of bugs. It got to the point that Sony took unprecedented measures, temporarily removing the game from the PS Store, and outraged customers and investors filed numerous lawsuits.

Of course, the full circumstances of this failure will become known as time goes on, but some details are already beginning to emerge.

Here's What We Know

Testing of Cyberpunk 2077 was engaged in the Romanian company Quantic Lab, and it's logical to assume that they have given the green light to the game with an incredible amount of bugs.

PC Gamer has conducted its own investigation and asked Quantic Lab employees about the situation with the game's testing by CD Projekt Red on condition of anonymity.

Briefly about the main points

It turned out that the main problem of the Romanian company is its negligent attitude towards concluded contracts. Quantic Lab signed more contracts than its employees could physically perform. Moreover, there was a catastrophic shortage of employees, and those who were available were not competent enough and made many mistakes. The Romanian company management was advising the employees to keep track of the small bugs, so that the big problems simply fell off their radar.

During the cooperation with the Romanians, CD Projekt Red tried to complain about their work, but it had no effect. Quantic Lab hid their little experience and low qualification in testing such large-scale projects, which resulted in what happened.

Obviously, the total errors of Quantic Lab do not absolve CD Projekt Red of responsibility, but partly explains the situation.

To summarize

Quantic Lab has not commented in any way on the PC Gamer investigation.

CD Projekt Red titanic efforts to fix the main shortcomings of the game and continues to work actively in this direction and beyond.

Gamers are finally, after almost two years, happy with Cyberpunk 2077, whose sales continue to grow rapidly.

The failure of the Cyberpunk 2077 release will hopefully be an important lesson for the Polish studio, which began working on five big-budget projects at once.

And Marcin Iwiński, the founder and CEO of CD Projekt Red, will soon leave his post. Who knows, maybe the failure of Cyberpunk 2077 in many ways provoked this decision.