Poland is ready to send Bayraktar Marik unmanned aerial vehicle to Ukraine - the country's residents have collected over $5 million for it

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 17.10.2022, 17:03

The Bayraktar Marik unmanned aerial vehicle awaits shipment to Ukraine, where it will help the Armed Forces destroy the Russian army.

Here's What We Know

Marik is not a new drone model, but only a name after the city of Mariupol, which the Poles gave it. And we are talking about the Bayraktar TB2 drone. The name is printed on the body of the UAV in Polish and Ukrainian languages.

Recently Polish citizens were able to collect almost 25 million zlotys ($5.09 million) for the Turkish drone. The project was initiated by Onet analyst and columnist Sławomir Sierakowski. The publicist said that if the goal is not achieved (22.5 million PLN / $4.6 million), all funds will be transferred to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, in the end it was possible to collect almost 2.5 million zlotys ($490,000) more than planned.

On Monday, October 17, Slawomir Serakowski said on Facebook that the Bayraktar TB2 is already waiting for shipment to Ukraine. Now the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Baykar company are dealing with the paperwork.

Source: Sławomir Sierakowski