Great job! Ukrainian Air Defense Forces shot down 44 of 50 Russian X-101/X-555 cruise missiles in two hours, fired from Tu-95 and Tu-160 aircraft

By: Myroslav Trinko | 31.10.2022, 10:27

Ukraine today, October 31, was subjected to another mass rocket attack by Russia.

Here's What We Know

Terrorists fired more than 50 X-101/X-555 cruise missiles at Ukrainian infrastructure. Of these, the Air Defense Forces shot down 44:

  • Air Command Center forces shot down - 18 missiles
  • Forces of the South Air Command shot down 12 missiles
  • Forces of the Air Command "East" shot down 9 rockets
  • Air Command West forces shot down 5 rockets

The missiles were fired from Tu-95/Tu-160 strategic aviation missile-carrying airplanes, which were in the north of the Caspian Sea.

Source: Air Force Command of UA Armed Forces