Ukrainian volunteers are raising $5,470,000 and want to buy 50 British Spartan tracked armored personnel carriers for the AFU

By: Myroslav Trinko | 02.11.2022, 14:12

Serhiy Prytula Foundation announced another mega-fundraiser, which will go to help the Ukrainian army.

Here's What We Know

Prytula and his team plan to raise 200,000,000 UAH (about $5,470,000) and buy 50 British Spartan tracked armored personnel carriers with this money. The fundraiser will run from November 2 to 8. Anyone can donate money.


The Spartan is a tracked armored personnel carrier for the British Army. It was developed as a variant of the Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance APC family. The vehicle can carry up to seven people, including three crew members. It was adopted into service in 1978. The APC has many modifications.

Source: @serhiyprytula