€500 million for a new dream - Ukraine started building the world's largest aircraft An-225 "Mriya" in a secret location

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 08.11.2022, 00:40

Eugene Gavrylov, general director of state enterprise "Antonov" announced the start of construction of a new aircraft AN-225 "Mriya" which is translated into in English as Dream.

Here's What We Know

According to Gavrylov, the cost of the new project will amount to €500 million. The state enterprise is now based at Leipzig/Halle International Airport, which will help to raise the necessary amount of money.

The head of the company noted that work on the construction of the new aircraft is carried out in a secret location. Moreover, he stressed that they are fulfilled by 30%. An-225 "Mriya" will be equipped with both new parts and parts of the old plane, which managed to survive.


An-225 "Mriya" is the biggest airplane in the world. It made its first flight in 1988 and was the only one of its kind. On February 24, 2022, after missile attacks on Gostomel airport, the plane, which at that time was in a hangar, was destroyed.

Source: Bild