Cult game in a new format: a board game based on the fantasy strategy Heroes of Might and Magic 3 was announced

By: Anton Kratiuk | 10.11.2022, 12:53

Role-playing strategy game Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is still popular 20 years after its release.

Soon the cult game will move to a new format: the Polish company Archon announced a board game Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Board Game.

Here's What We Know

November 15, fundraising for the creation of the board game will start on the Kickstarter platform, the release of which is scheduled for December 2023.

The developers will bring all the main elements of the original game to the board game format, including the various factions of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Players will have to form armies, strengthen the hero, explore the map and collect artifacts, in short, everything in the same computer strategy.

The game is designed for 1-4 players. To understand how Heroes of Might and Magic 3 will be implemented in the tabletop version, the developers presented a trailer.

It is planned to raise 50,000 euros. There are various bonuses for sponsors for certain fixed contributions, and the minimum amount of support is 75 euros.