New enemies, weapons, locations and bosses: storyline add-on Cagliostro's Secrets for action-RPG Steelrising was released
By: Anton Kratiuk | 10.11.2022, 13:19

Cagliostro's Secrets story add-on for the Steelrising action-RPG has been released.
To begin the passage of the DLC is necessary to complete the level "Bastille" (Bastille). Players will go to a hospital in St. Louis to learn the secrets of Louis XVI.
In the add-on Cagliostro's Secrets players can expect the following innovations:
- a large-scale location - Saint Louis Hospital (Saint Louis Hospital);
- new story assignment;.
- five types of weapons;
- one boss;
- several new enemies and modified old ones;
- two new characters;
- a number of side quests set in the locations from the original Steelrising.
The developers unveiled the Cagliostro's Secrets release trailer