Critics and players did not appreciate the first Jumpship Somerville game, which was developed by Playdead co-founder

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 16.11.2022, 14:43

November 15th saw the release of Somerville, the first game from Jumpship studio, created by one of Playdead's co-founders Dino Patti. Dino is known for being responsible for creating some of the best indie games: Limbo and Inside. His third project should have been at least at the level of the previous two, but if you read the player reviews on Steam, you can understand that not everything is as good as we would like.

Here's What We Know

First of all, the game is scolded for optimization. For example, blogger Andy Cortez wrote that he was unable to play with stable 60 fps on the RTX 3080 Ti video card. Steam writes that it seems as if the game was released in a hurry. Players constantly come across bugs, optimization problems and hitboxes that are too small.

The minuses of the game are the story and characters. The characters here do not feel unique, and the main character does not act believably. The story does not develop properly and barely makes you stay in the game.

As for the puzzles, most of them are not difficult and often repeated. There is simply no variety. Some puzzles seemed similar to Limbo and Inside. Therefore, in this aspect something new did not work.

As for critics' reviews, the game received 72 points out of 100 on Opencritic. Journalists note that this is an ordinary game that can not give something new.

It's a shame to see this, because Limbo and Inside were great games, especially the latter. We even included it in the list of 10 indie games worth playing. I wanted to believe that Somerville would at least keep this standard. However, no miracle happened. The only way for Jumpship is to analyze the mistakes and make the next game taking into account all the problems that Somerville has.

Somerville is currently available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and is part of the Game Pass collection.


Along with the release of Somerville, the Swedish holding Thunderful Games announced the acquisition oh Jumpship. This deal is an important part of the strategy to create strong internal IP.

Source: steampowered, opencritic, @TheAndyCortez