Evil West developer complains about Xbox Series X power - game will work the same as on Xbox One

By: Dmitro Koval | 20.11.2022, 16:47

Focus Entertainment recently announced the performance that players can expect on all platforms and because of this received a lot of criticism, as it turned out that the resolution and frame rate of the Xbox Series X and Xbox One will be the same.

Many were disappointed by the console's limitations, and it even led developers to express their not-so-positive views on the Xbox Series S. S. Lee Denovald, a developer from Rocksteady, blamed the console's lower specification GPU, describing this generation as "chock full of potatoes". Denovald's opinion was soon echoed by indie developer Ian Maclure, who said that developers were constantly trying to "lower the requirements to run a game on the Series S".

Although the lead producer of Flying Wild Hog, in an interview with the German publishing house Xbox Dynasty, Tomek Gop, when asked about potential restrictions on consoles, replied: "No. Why? We, as developers, are not limited by the power of consoles, so we can implement great versions for both Series S and Series X". In addition, he noted Xbox Series S as a "great market product" and claimed that he knows many people who "use it as an all-in-one box for family entertainment". So maybe the problems are in poor game optimization and not the console?

Source: gamerant