New $275,000,000 military aid package: U.S. transfers HIMARS missiles, 155mm artillery shells, HMMWVs, and air defense systems to Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 10.12.2022, 10:42

The United States has announced another military aid package for Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

The package is for $275,000,000 and includes:

  • Ammunition for HIMARS MLRS.
  • 80,000 155mm shells for artillery
  • UAV countermeasures equipment
  • Air defense equipment
  • HMMWV vehicles,
  • Ambulances and medical equipment
  • Approximately 150 generators
  • Field equipment

Arms deliveries will begin in the coming days. By the way, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on February 24, the US has transferred over $19,300,000,000 worth of military aid to Ukraine.

Source: defense

Image: Mauricio Campino/U.S. Air Force