Starlink for smartphones - SpaceX is working to enable phones to connect to satellite internet directly

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 15.12.2022, 15:27

For the foreseeable future, users will be able to connect to Elon Musk's satellite Internet without additional equipment, but directly from their smartphones.

Here's What We Know

There has been talk about this for a long time, but now it has become known that SpaceX has moved on from words to deeds. The company has dropped an application to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States in the hope of obtaining the relevant permits.

Direct connection will be provided by the second generation of Starlink Gen 2 satellites. The company has already received approval to launch 7,500 spacecraft. But now the FCC must approve the installation of special equipment.

How it will all work, is still not known. At the same time SpaceX has already announced that the new service will allow exchanging messages and surfing the Web at a speed of 3 Mbit / s for the incoming channel and 4.4 Mbit / s for the outgoing. Cellular operator T-Mobile confirmed its participation in the project.

Source: CNET