Tesla begins work on Texas facility expansion in January - $716.7 million will make Gigafactory the largest plant in terms of product range

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 11.01.2023, 19:18

Tesla in China has the largest facility in terms of production volumes of electric cars. And the Gigafactory site in Texas will soon become the largest in terms of assortment.

Here's What We Know

The total area of new production lines at the plant in Texas, which is adjacent to the company's headquarters, will be 130,000 square meters. Work on the expansion will begin in January. Elon Musk's company will invest $716.7 million.

On Jan. 23, 2023, Tesla will begin building enclosures for the production of traction batteries. Work will continue until Feb. 12, 2024. About 50% of 130,000 square meters will be allocated specifically for the production of traction batteries for electric cars.

Another 40,000 square meters will be occupied by lines for the production of power units for cars of the American company. And in this case we are talking only about cars produced in Texas. Export of power units is not provided. Now Tesla is assembling Model Y crossovers here, but soon Texas will start production of the second-generation Roadster, Semi Cybertruck, and even Optimus robots.

The new powertrain production line will not start soon. The launch is scheduled for January 15, 2024. The company is investing $85 million. Another $260 million will be used to build a line to produce battery cathodes. Construction is scheduled for Jan. 30 and will run through Dec. 18 this year. Finally, by August 25, 2023, a new battery testing lab will appear on the 238-square-meter site. Its creation will cost $3.7 million.

Source: Electrek