Zhu Hai Yun - the world's first autonomous seaborne drone-carrier

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 13.01.2023, 16:39

China was able to commission an autonomous seaborne with drone takeoff and landing pads. The ship is called Zhu Hai Yun.

Here's What We Know

Zhu Hai Yun is a research ship. Scientists can remotely control it, but also provides for the possibility of independent movement. The ship will be used for scientific marine missions and observations.

The unmanned ship is equipped with propulsion, electronics and related equipment made exclusively in China. Zhu Hai Yun is 88.5 meters long, 14 meters wide and has a displacement of 2,100 tons.

In the first test, the ship was able to navigate without operators. It independently chose a route and avoided obstacles. The test lasted for 12 hours. During movement Zhu Hai Yun can reach speeds of up to 18 knots (32.4 km/h).

Source: Global Times