Almost 35,000 PayPal accounts were hacked by spoofing data from other resources

By: Dmitro Koval | 26.01.2023, 21:11

It looks like you now have another reason to use different passwords on different sites, as recently 35,000 PayPal accounts were hacked using known information from other resources.

Here's What We Know

According to Bleeping Computer, 34,943 PayPal users have been affected by the latest massive attack on the credential spoofing system. Credential spoofing is an automatic process that attempts to use data from other less reliable sites where you have entered your password to log in to a website. Therefore, if you have one universal password for all occasions, this type of hacking is not difficult.

The fact is that many sites do not have such an advanced security system as PayPal or your banking app, and it makes no sense - you are unlikely to protect the site where you registered to download a picture of cats for your desktop very much. Therefore, it is not that difficult to steal passwords from such sites. If you use the same password, especially in combination with the same login for multiple sites, it makes it much easier for attackers.

PayPal has changed passwords and notified affected users, and provided two years of free Equifax identity monitoring to keep an eye on things. The company recommends that everyone should enable two-factor authentication to protect themselves from these attacks in the future, and of course, change their passwords on other sites. Especially where you store money or your personal data.

Source: PC Gamer