Poland transfers second batch of Leopard 2A4 tanks to Ukrainian Armed Forces

By: Myroslav Trinko | 09.03.2023, 13:05

Poland has handed over the second batch of Leopard 2A4 tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as promised.

Here's What We Know

The information was shared by Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak during a briefing. We are talking about 10 tanks. This means that Ukraine now has a total of 14 tanks in its arsenal. By the way, Poland has also announced that it is starting to build a hub to repair Ukrainian Leopard 2 tanks at its facilities.


The partners have promised Ukraine about 100 Leopard 2 tanks. In the near future the Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive 18 more tanks from Germany and 3 more tanks from Portugal, but it will be a newer modification - Leopard 2A5. Canada, Portugal, Norway and Sweden will also deliver their Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.

Source: @tvp_info