Parts for Leopard tanks and Marder BMPs, Dachs engineer vehicles and MG3 machine guns: Germany hands Ukraine a new military aid package

By: Myroslav Trinko | 24.03.2023, 14:34

Germany continues to help Ukraine with a new military aid package for the Armed Forces.

Here's What We Know

According to the Bundeswehr website, this time Ukraine has received:

  • 70 MG3 machine guns for Leopard tanks, Marder BMPs and Dachs armoured vehicles
  • 3 Dachs armoured engineer vehicles
  • Spare parts for Leopard tanks and Marder BMPs
  • 30 drone detection systems (Ukraine has already received a total of 90 such systems).

By the way, Germany has also sent 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to the AFU. They should arrive in Ukraine soon.

Source: bundesregierung