Poland will hand 14 MiG-29 fighters to Ukrainian army, some of them already in Ukraine

By: Myroslav Trinko | 05.04.2023, 15:38

We have written more than once that Poland is transferring MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Now there is information on how many Polish planes the Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive.

Here's What We Know

So, according to Polish President Andrzej Duda, Ukraine will receive a total of 14 fighters. What is interesting is that Poland handed over 4 secretly months ago and 4 at the beginning of this week. The remaining batch will be sent to the AFU in the near future. By the way, apart from Poland, Ukraine will also receive Soviet fighters from Slovakia.


The MiG-29 is a fourth generation Soviet multirole fighter. It was the main multi-role fighter aircraft of the Warsaw Pact countries and the Soviet Union during the 1980s. Now the MiG-29 is in service in many countries, including Ukraine. It has more than 15 modifications.

Source: @visegrad24