F-35 tops the list of aircraft that pose the greatest threat to China

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 21.04.2023, 01:01

Chinese military experts have published an article in Modern Defence Technology magazine, calling the fifth-generation F-35 Lightning II the most dangerous stealth aircraft for China. Previously F-22 Raptor was considered as such.

Here's What We Know

Experts have sought to examine the degree of threat from different US warplanes in air defence breakthrough operations at different distances from China's coastline. The article says the F-35 Lightning II is better adapted to a potential conflict with the PRC than the F-22 Raptor.

The study points to the Lockheed Matin fighter's ability to perform multiple functions and its capability to perform a variety of missions as key factors contributing to its superiority over the F-22 Raptor. The F-35 has advanced avionics systems and "multi-purpose capabilities".

Its advanced technology and exceptional capabilities, along with its remarkable adaptability to a wide range of military operations, have made the Lightning II an important asset in the region. Other countries, too, are beginning to deploy fighters close to China.

In this regard, the F-35 has another advantage over the F-22, as the Raptor is exclusively in US service. Lockheed Martin has produced around 200 aircraft, while Lightning II deliveries are approaching 1,000. More than 300 fifth-generation fighters are expected to be deployed in the Indo-Pacific region by 2035. This includes Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Australia.

The US maintains a presence in the Asia-Pacific region with military bases in Japan, South Korea and Guam. China is therefore increasing production of fifth generation J-20 Mighty Dragon fighters and deploying HQ-9 air defence systems.

The paper also recommends developing a strategy to counter the B-1B Lancer and B-52H Stratofortress bombers. Strategic jets could pose a threat by penetrating deep into Chinese territory. Experts also focus on the American XQ-58A Valkyrie and RQ-180 drones, while the MQ-9 Reaper is considered less dangerous.

Source: scmp