US Air Force shows rare video of Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launch

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 28.04.2023, 00:22

On 19 April, the US Navy and Air Force conducted a test launch of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). A week after the test, the US Air Force released a video of the launch.

Here's What We Know

The video was released a few days after pictures taken aboard the E-6B Mercury "doomsday aircraft" during the Minuteman III test launch became available to the general public.

The U.S. tested the ICBM to demonstrate the readiness of nuclear deterrence forces to respond to emerging threats. The test-headed missile flew nearly 7,000 kilometres and once again demonstrated the reliability of the Minuteman III. In total, the US has conducted more than 300 test launches of ICBMs.

The US has approximately 400 Minuteman IIIs in service. The missile is capable of a speed of about 24,000 km/h and a range of nearly 10,000 km. The ICBMs are stored in silos located in several states: Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and Wyoming.

The Ministry of Defence plans to replace the Minuteman III with a new missile. It is called Sentinel and is being developed by Northrop Grumman. The first ICBM is expected to be available early next decade. The Sentinel will remain in service until the 2070s.

Source: Eighth Air Force