SARISA SRS-1X became the world's first quadcopter to launch a Hydra 70 missile

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 08.05.2023, 20:18

A Greek quadcopter was able to launch a 70mm Hydra 70 rocket. The drone is called the SARISA SRS-1X.

Here's What We Know

The test took place at the end of April 2023. The SARISA SRS-1X, developed by Spirit Aeronautical Systems, was the world's first quadcopter to succeed in launching the Hydra 70.

The test took place at the Greek Ministry of Defence's General Directorate of Defence Investment and Armaments (GDDIA) test site. The tests were assisted by Hellenic Defence Systems, a European corporation that produces weapons.

The actual tests were the result of the analysis of a large amount of scientific data. The first test successfully proved that the system is capable of providing organic close air support for military units.

Operationally, the SARISA SRS-1X quadcopter is an effective, cost-effective and versatile replacement for expensive helicopters. For example, the Apache, which can launch Hydra 70 missiles.

Some of the system's guided or unguided missile capabilities can be used for island protection or special forces operations. The SARISA SRS-1X drone, fitted with Hydra 70 munitions, reduces units' reliance on helicopters and fighters.

Spirit Aeronautical Systems is not stopping there. The next stage will be the launch of the FZ275 LGR laser guided missile, developed by Thales.

Source: Greek Reporter