Gigafactory in Texas produces 5,000 Tesla Model Y electric cars in one week for the first time

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 11.05.2023, 16:48

Tesla's Gigafactory in Texas recently celebrated a new milestone. It reached its goal of producing 5,000 Model Y electric cars in a week.

Here's What We Know

Tesla is trying to ramp up production of electric cars at its Gigafactory in Berlin and Texas at the same time. This has created friendly competition between the two production sites.

The Berlin-based company was the first to reach its target. Production of the Model Y surged to 5,000 units per week in March of this year. The Texas plant lagged slightly behind. By April, only 4,000 cars were coming off the assembly line each week. The company announced 5,000 electric cars the day before.

Source: Tesla