German defence ministry instructs Rheinmetall to prepare 20 more Marder infantry fighting vehicles for delivery to Ukraine

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 07.06.2023, 12:42

The Ukrainian Armed Forces will receive a new batch of Marder infantry fighting vehicles in a few weeks' time. This was reported by the German publication RND.

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According to the source, the Ministry of Defence has instructed the company Rheinmetall to prepare for the delivery of another 20 infantry fighting vehicles. The new batch of Marder should be delivered to Ukraine by the end of next month.

The vehicles will be prepared for delivery at the Rheinmetall factory in Lower Saxony. Previously, Ukraine received 40 Marder units - 20 armoured vehicles each were transferred from the German Armed Forces' stocks and from the Rheinmetall depot.

The new deliveries will increase the total number of infantry fighting vehicles transferred to Ukraine to 20. In addition, Rheinmetall may send another 60 Marder to Ukraine. However, they need to be repaired first.

Source: RND