A Japanese company wants to create a floating city, Dogen City, 4km in diameter for 40,000 people, with its own spaceport for rockets and spacecraft

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 14.06.2023, 19:24

The Japanese company N-Ark has unveiled a very ambitious floating city project with its own spaceport. It's called Dogen City.

Here's What We Know

N-Ark claims that the city will be able to survive rising sea levels due to climate change. At the same time the circular shape will allow it to withstand severe weather conditions, including tsunamis which are not uncommon off Japanese shores.

Dogen City, some 4km in diameter, is designed to accommodate 40,000 people simultaneously (10,000 permanent residents and 30,000 tourists). It will consist of three zones:

  • an underwater data centre;
  • a habitat ring (living area);
  • a bay with floating structures.

In addition to its own launching pad for rockets and spacecraft, the city will have schools, a food production facility, hospitals, hotels, a stadium, parks and other facilities. Dogen City will generate 22,265 MW of electricity and produce approximately 7,000 tonnes of food. Exactly how the power generation will be provided is not yet known.

The Japanese company estimates that fresh water consumption will be around 2 million litres/year. Also, the problem of waste has to be solved - annually almost 3,300 tonnes of rubbish will have to be removed.

N-Ark believes that the project could be operational by the end of this decade. There is no information about where the city will appear or how much money it will cost to build it.

Source: New Atlas