Microsoft starts testing Windows file sharing feature in Android subsystem

By: Dmitro Koval | 15.06.2023, 13:51

Microsoft continues to improve the Windows for Android subsystem and this time adds the ability to enable file sharing. The update with this feature is now available to all Windows Insider testers and includes file sharing, drag-and-drop support, an improved camera, and the usual bug fixes.

Here's What We Know

"We've listened to the community, where many people have asked us to make file sharing support between Windows and the subsystem possible," the development team said in a blog post, "We're happy to announce that Windows Subsystem for Android can now share your Windows user folders, such as Documents and Pictures, with the subsystem, so scenarios like uploading a photo to a social media app or editing a video in a creative app work seamlessly."

Folder sharing is enabled by default for preview members, and Android apps can only view and edit Windows files with your consent. Android apps must display a dialogue box asking for permission, and permissions can be revoked in the settings. In addition, Microsoft scans all Android apps when you install them with Microsoft Defender or other antivirus software you use to prevent malware from downloading.

When We Can Expect It

Since Microsoft has already rolled out the feature to all Windows Insider channels, file sharing support is likely to be available to all Windows 11 users in the coming weeks.

Source: The Verge