The M2 Bradley survived a BM-21 Grad MLRS rocket and saved the lives of Ukrainian servicemen

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 15.06.2023, 17:05

The first M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles from the USA have arrived in Ukraine this year. Now they are actively used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front and are saving soldiers' lives.

Here's What We Know

Anna Malyar, Ukraine's deputy defense minister, told the story of how an American infantry fighting vehicle withstood a hit from a BM-21 "Grad" multiple rocket launcher. She also attached a photo of the hit armoured vehicle, which managed to be evacuated.

The M2 Bradley survived a rocket-propelled grenade hit to the turret, saving the lives of 47th Brigade soldiers. The crew was able to successfully evacuate the vehicle and the driver mechanic pulled it to safety and extinguished the fire. The armoured vehicle was then sent for repairs.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces received an M2A2 ODS-SA from the US. This week the US Department of Defense announced deliveries of another 15 M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and 10 Stryker armoured personnel carriers.

Source: @annamaliar