US lawmakers want Pentagon to increase launch range of hypersonic weapons during tests

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 18.06.2023, 02:13

Lawmakers from the House Armed Services Committee are calling on the US Department of Defense to increase the range of hypersonic weapon tests. The Pentagon also needs to increase the number of tests.

Here's What We Know

The development of hypersonic systems has one major constraint. It lies in the underdeveloped infrastructure and lack of suitable test sites. But this problem needs to be addressed, as the US has high hopes for weapons that can fly and manoeuvre at speeds in excess of Mach 5 (6174 km/h).

The House Armed Services Committee has called on the US Department of Defense to explore "at least two additional corridors" for testing long-range hypersonic systems. The Pentagon should also initiate any necessary environmental checks for this.

Separately from this, lawmakers are demanding that the US secretary of defence inform the committee by early 2024 of a plan to "maximise" range on the west coast. The plan should include the cost and timetable for testing, allowing for training and improvements at the sites.

The committee is aware of the need to expand test ranges for hypersonic systems and new aerospace developments that require access to limited air, land and sea space. Lawmakers stressed that the Pentagon was late in implementing the hypersonic test strategy that was required in the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act.

Source: Defence News