WTF: Twitch streamer General Sam was sent a packaged dead pig and a piece of uranium ore by 'fans'

By: Dmitro Koval | 17.07.2023, 18:53

YouTube and Twitch streamer General Sam has received what is probably one of the most unusual gifts from his fans that will be remembered for a long time. For some unknown reason, his subscribers decided that Sam would be very happy to receive a dead pig and uranium ore!

Here's What We Know

If you've ever wondered what a small dead pig packed in a plastic bag looks like, here's the answer:

General Sam was, to put it mildly, very surprised by what could actually be expected. Judging by his comments, the smell from the box was indeed... well, exactly what you'd imagine it to be.

"Don’t send me shit like this. Believe it or not, I don’t want a fucking embalmed pig, alright? I know I seem like an embalmed pig kind of guy... this ain’t me dude."

And if the smell of the decomposing animal carcass wasn't disgusting enough, the streamer was also "treated" to a piece of uranium ore that looks like it could be mailed to him. After reading the inscription "Radioactive material. Uranium ore", Sam decided to take it out of the house and that would probably be the best way to store it.

Nevertheless, Sam cheered up and took it all in stride, even more so than you'd expect from a content creator unpacking a dead pig and radioactive material.

Source: The Gamer