Explosions, problems, action and Venom: Insomniac Games unveils Marvel's Spider-Man 2 story trailer that reveals interesting details

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 21.07.2023, 08:55

At San Diego Comic-Con 2023, Insomniac Games showed a new story trailer for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, which reveals several interesting details.

Here's What We Know

First, the game's director Jon Paquette told more about the beginning of the game. Peter Parker and Miles Morales are struggling with their personal lives. Miles is trying to find time to write his college application essay, but keeps putting it off and focusing on Spidey's work. Meanwhile, Peter owes money on his Aunt May's house, but can't sell it because it means too much to him. And, just like Miles, Peter is trying (and failing) to find a balance with so many responsibilities. MJ wants to help Peter with his mortgage, but her job is in jeopardy when J. Jonah Jameson returns to Bugle and seeks to clean up the mess. Our heroes find themselves at a crossroads with an uncertain future and some tough decisions ahead.

As for the trailer, we finally saw Peter's best friend Harry Osborn, who "went" to Europe in the first part of the film and now has returned to New York. And everything seems to be more or less calm in the city, but Kraven the Hunter arrives with his men, and then a symbiote appears and infects Peter. This moment was shown in the trailer at the PlayStation Showcase in May. In the same trailer, you can see that his loved ones are scared of what he has become, and now Miles has to save him.

And the coolest part is that we were shown Venom destroying a plane in mid-air, which demonstrates his unrealistic power that the Spidey duo will have to fight.

The trailer also showed new areas of New York City: Brooklyn, Queens, and Coney Island; acrobatic stunts of the heroes and robotic animals that will actively attack us.

When We Can Expect It

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will be released on 20 October on PlayStation 5.

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