An F-35B Lightning II fighter jet landed on a highway, refuelled, rearmed, changed pilots and flew away - The US Marine Corps is preparing for future wars in the Pacific Ocean

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 03.08.2023, 23:05

The US Marine Corps, in preparation for future conflicts in the Indo-Pacific region, landed a fifth-generation F-35B Lightning II fighter jet on an old highway in California.

Here's What We Know

The road, about 15 metres wide, became the runway for the F-35B fighter jet. The aircraft landed, after which specialists replenished the fuel supply and loaded weapons. The co-pilot then got into the cockpit and flew away.

The Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey convertible and a Navy NH-60R Seahawk helicopter were on the highway for a small exercise. The Osprey carried GBU-53/B II/Stormbreaker bombs and AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles.

The convertible also delivered a co-pilot, fuel for the F-35B and an MK-46 torpedo for the Seahawk helicopter. All of this was monitored by the US Air Force's MQ-9 Reaper multi-role unmanned aerial vehicle.

Source: The War Zone