Google Doodle celebrates 50 years of programming for children

By: Pavel Chuikin | 04.12.2017, 09:17

Today's Google doodle celebrates 50 years since the world was presented with a programming language for children.

Children's Code

In the 1960s, long before the advent of personal computers, Seymour Papert, as well as his colleagues from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed Logo - the first language of coding designed for children. Papert believed that computers can be used by kids as a powerful tool for learning. They considered coding as a way to develop confidence in children and fluency in programming.

Jubilee doodle is not an interactive picture or video, but a real children's programming code Coding for Carrots. It needs to help the rabbit move through six levels and collect carrots. You do not need to control the animal with the joystick or the keys: its forward, left, right and backward movements are programmed using special commands.