Retro Games will release a modern mini version of the legendary PC Commodore 64

By: Pavel Chuikin | 01.02.2018, 11:37

The company Retro Games Ltd and Koch Media announced the imminent release of the modernized mini version of the legendary computer Commodore 64 .

A new generation of classics

An updated version of the computer classics will be called THE64 Mini. The kit includes USB-joystick, and the PC itself as before connects to any monitor or TV with an HDMI input. The console supports 64 games (Boulder Dash, California Games, Deflektor, Hunter's Moon, two parts Mission Impossible and others) with support for HD-resolution and 4: 3 mode.

Reason for return

An honest reason for the release of another computer classics is unlikely to be called by anyone. But judging by the mega-success of the updated mini-versions of Nintendo: NES Classic Edition and SNES Classic Edition, Retro Games Ltd also wanted money and decided to play on the fashion for the past and gikovsky nostalgia. It remains to wait for the official price, the release and the first user feedback. Hopefully the THE64 Mini will not disgrace the glorious name of its predecessor, and the developer company will receive the desired profits.

Source: Deep Silver