Dystopia underwater and above the clouds: BioShock: The Collection costs $12 on Steam until 2 October

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 25.09.2023, 10:37

What is the most popular setting that gamers find in games? Post-apocalypse, fantasy, space? Yes, but some people forget about dystopia. We are used to seeing it in literature, but game developers are not shy about making projects where something wrong is happening to the world. BioShcok is one of the most popular dystopian series in the video game industry. And the entire collection is available at an 80% discount on Steam.

Here's What We Know

The BioShock series is a first-person shooter where the protagonist finds himself in a mysterious city and has to deal with everything that happens around him. The player has several types of weapons and plasmids in his arsenal, which are superpowers that will help him to destroy various enemies, from mutated humans to robots. The first two games take place in the underwater city of Rapture, and Infinite, the third game, takes us to Colombia, which is located above the clouds. All three games offer an interesting and sometimes confusing plot and good gameplay.

BioShock: The Collection, in addition to the three games, contains one storyline expansion for BioShock 2 and another for BioShock Infinite, as well as additional content. BioShock: The Collection has received 80 points from players and critics on Metacritic, and the first and third parts are included in the Metacritic Must-Play list. The entire series will take about 30 hours to complete.

More details about the promotion can be found at this link.