PornHub will remove AI porn with celebrities

By: Igor Nikitin | 07.02.2018, 15:26

Popular video hosting with adult video PornHub will remove movies where artificial intelligence is used to substitute faces.

What is known

Recently, this phenomenon has become massive and on the Internet for a long time walking 18+ video with Gal Gadot and other celebrities. On Reddit even launched a topic in which they collect such videos. Apparently, PornHub-u got sick of it, and the service decided to get rid of such content.

Representatives of the site explained that celebrity faces are used without their permission. This is not enough that they are denigrated by their name, so they do not earn money from this. PornHub even equated such videos to revenge porn, which he also banned from posting on his site.

They can not stop

Thus, PornHub wants to eradicate content from its resource, but it will not disappear from the network. Creating such videos is a simple matter. On the same Reddit placed the application FakeApp, which allows you to create a video with a celebrity in a couple of clicks.

Source: Motherboard