Streaming platform Twich has overtaken CNN on quantity of spectators

By: Eugene Sherban | 16.02.2018, 11:36

Twich's   January to   number of viewers in   January surpassed one of the   largest cable networks of the USA   - CNN.

How many people watching Twich

By   given by StreetInsider the number of daily viewers on   Twich's   January came close to   million   - 962 thousand For comparison, the daily audience of CNN was 783 thousand people. Ahead were the Fox networks and   ESPN (for   1.5   million viewers on   everyone), but   it seems that   it's not for long   - Twich's audience is constantly growing. TO   example, in   January last year, the audience there was almost   quarter less.

What is Twich

Twitch   - one of the   most popular streaming platforms in   world. A kind of computer dream club where you can absolutely enjoy playing the most violent game zadrots or to build your club of admirers and   even a little   it to earn. Initially, Twich was created for gaming streamers, but   Now there you can meet chefs, music producers, flight strippers and   even professional players in   poker. Still there are a lot of broadcasts from major e-sports tournaments. AT   In 2014, the company acquired the Amazon service Jeff Bezos.

Source: StreetInsider