FX introduced the trailer of the second season of the superhero series "Legion"

By: Pavel Chuikin | 07.03.2018, 16:26

Cable channel FX released a trailer for the second season of the fantastic series "Legion".

Son of Professor X

The project is based on a series of comic books Marvel about the son of Professor Charles Xavier David Haller ( Dan Stevens ). The guy spent half his life in psychiatric hospitals and suffers from a severe form of schizophrenia. Gradually it turns out that he is one of the most powerful mutants in the world, because each of his personalities has his own super abilities. In the power of David to save his race from people and other mutants. The second season of the superhero series "Legion" consists of 10 episodes and is released on FX channel already on April 3.

Superhero fantasy, which we lacked

At the helm of the "Legion" stands Noah Hawley - a mother producer, screenwriter and director. This man worked on the series "Fargo" in all three hypostases, and after that he started teleadaptation of the comics. "Legion" from Noah Hawley - a deep, stylish, bright and a little art house fantasy. This project draws its own picture, perfectly matched music, correct casting and a twisted story. If you did not watch, be sure to correct.

Source: YouTube