The US Army will receive the first prototype of the Enduring Shield launcher by the end of the year

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 22.10.2023, 15:36

Dynetics has still not delivered the first prototype of the Enduring Shield launcher to the US Army. However, the military service says the updated plan keeps the programme on track.

Here's What We Know

The US Army wants a test launcher as part of the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2 (IFPC Inc 2) programme. The first prototype was expected to be delivered by 30 September 2022.

The date originally set has been pushed back several times. According to the updated plan, the US Army should receive the launcher in December this year. If Dynetics does not experience supply problems, all prototypes (16 units) should be delivered to the customer by February 2024.

The delay is due to problems in the global supply chain. According to Dynetics, this affected component production during the early stages of development of the Enduring Shield prototype launcher.

The new system is designed to provide defence against cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and artillery shells. The Enduring Shield order will allow the U.S. Army to retire the Iron Dome.

Each launcher has 18 containers for AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles. The system will include four launchers and an AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel radar.

Source: Breaking Defence