NASA offers earthlings to burn their name on the Sun.

By: Bohdan Chub | 09.03.2018, 12:41

NASA continues the tradition of virtual space travel. Following the set of names for sending to Mars in the space agency, they were given the distribution of "burning tickets" to fly to the Sun as part of the Parker Solar Probe mission.

How to get it?

Users just go to this page , specify their name and email address, to which the letter will be sent to confirm the application. Accepted as the Cyrillic version, and the names in Latin. All of them will be recorded on a memory chip. The action itself will last until April 27.

What kind of mission?

The NASA probe will investigate solar winds and other processes in the atmosphere of our star. The launch of Parker Solar Probe is scheduled for the summer of 2018. The device will make 24 turns around the Sun. The first flight is expected in November, and in 2024 it will approach a minimum distance of 6 million kilometers from the surface of the luminary - seven times closer than the previous record holder Helios 2 - and sweep through the crown at a speed of 700,000 kilometers per hour.

To protect scientific instruments and microchips with the names of earthlings, a carbon composite screen 11.4 centimeters thick is used, capable of withstanding temperatures up to 1400 ° C. After the completion of the main mission, Parker Solar Probe will have almost no fuel for maneuvers to hold the "shield" between itself and solar radiation, so somewhere in the end of 2025 the probe will be roasted on the Sun.

Unlike the chip on board, which turns into dust, the silicon plates with names on the InSight will be immortalized on Mars. But Captain Kirk (William Shetner) still approves:

Source: NASA