Europol has arrested key members of the hacker group Ragnar Locker, which has terrorised many global companies, including Capcom

By: Anton Kratiuk | 24.10.2023, 23:05

The Ragnar Locker group of hackers has long terrorised many companies by hacking into their servers and demanding ransom for confidential information.

One of the most notorious cases occurred in 2020, when Japanese gaming company Capcom was affected. Hackers from Ragnar Locker demanded a ransom of $11,000,000 from the developer.

Capcom refused to negotiate with the criminals and pay the ransom, as a result of which the hackers leaked the company's data online a few weeks after the hack.

Here's What We Know

Europol press office said that the organisation has identified and arrested key members of the criminal organisation. Law enforcers from 11 countries took part in the operation to find the hackers, with arrests taking place in Paris and searches taking place in the Czech Republic, Spain and Latvia. Ragnar Locker's infrastructure was located in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden.

The most recent victims of Ragnar Locker were an airline in Portugal and a hospital in Israel.

Source: Europol