Starfield's successes in September: fourth place in terms of revenue in the US and UK, as well as third place in terms of the number of active players

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 25.10.2023, 14:00

Analytical company Newzoo analysed the success of Starfield in September 2023.

Here's What We Know

Starfield ranked fourth in terms of revenue in the US and the UK in September 2023. If we take into account only RPG games, Starfield is the leader. It also became known that more than half of gamers chose the premium edition because it gave access to the game 5 days earlier.

In terms of the number of active users per month, Bethesda's project was in 17th place on PC, 11th on consoles, and if we combine the number of players on two platforms, Starfiled is in the top three.

7.4% of players spent more than 30 hours in the space adventure. This helped Starfield to be ranked twentieth in terms of average monthly playing time.

In September, the game was also actively followed on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Gaming. In total, people spent more than 38 million hours watching Starfield content.

Where To Play

Starfield is available on PC and Xbox Series, as well as on Game Pass.

Source: newzoo