Instagram will launch a new tape algorithm, like Facebook

By: Bohdan Chub | 16.03.2016, 10:54

The Instagram team decided to abandon the chronological order of publications in favor of a special algorithm that will take into account the user's preferences and show the most interesting entries at the beginning of the tape. The company explained that by browsing account updates we miss about 70% of posts. A new system, in many ways similar to the principle of forming a Facebook tape, should help solve this problem.

The order of photos and videos in Instagram will depend on how the user is connected to the author of the recording and how much he is interested in this content. The time of publication also matters. At the first stage, all records will remain in the user's tape, only their order will change. Innovations promise to introduce in the coming months. Recently, a new tape also launched a Twitter microblogging service.

Source: Instagram