Is Ubisoft preparing an add-on for Assassin's Creed Mirage after all? A mysterious advertising banner was found in the main menu of the game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 27.10.2023, 19:13

During the marketing campaign of Assassin's Creed Mirage, Ubisoft repeatedly emphasised that there were no story add-ons or free DLC planned for the game.

But perhaps the success of the game made the developers reconsider their plans.

Here's What We Know

Network users found an advertising banner in the main menu of Assassin's Creed Mirage, in which the developers urged gamers to follow the news and be ready for new adventures, because additional content for the action game "will be released very soon"!

What this means is still unknown. It is possible that it implies, for example, a set of costumes or other in-game items. But there is a possibility that Ubisoft is still preparing an add-on, which will be a big surprise for Assassin's Creed fans.

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