UN forms AI council with Google, OpenAI and other experts

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 30.10.2023, 14:37


The United Nations has created a new advisory council on artificial intelligence to make recommendations on international regulation of the technology.

Here's What We Know

The council includes 39 representatives from government, academia and business, including executives from Google and OpenAI. It will prepare proposals for the UN summit, which is scheduled to take place in 2024.

According to the organisation, the council's task is to reach consensus on the risks of AI, promote the use of the technology for sustainable development and strengthen international cooperation.

Unlike other initiatives that focus on the dangers of artificial intelligence, the UN council takes a predominantly positive stance. The organisation has noted the technology's potential to solve global problems and help developing countries.

However, some experts have warned of the risks of uncontrolled AI and the spread of misinformation. It remains to be seen how the UN council's recommendations will be harmonised with other AI regulatory initiatives.

Source: UN