Google Maps is now open to developers of augmented reality games

By: Bohdan Chub | 15.03.2018, 19:43

The boom of Pokemon Go has long passed, but the game has already brought its creators nearly 2 billion dollars and continues to generate revenue. Other companies are not averse to repeating the success of Niantic and Nintendo, but the development of a game world the size of an entire planet - that's another puzzle. To correct the situation, Google's search giant, which integrated its cartographic service with the Unity engine, helped.

How it works?

Thanks to the new Google Maps API, buildings, roads, attractions and parks are automatically turned into GameObjects objects in Unity. Developers can add their own textures, styles and other modifications to match their game. This allows you to focus on creating exciting gameplay without worrying about the relevance of the cards.

The number of 3D models of buildings and places on Google Maps already exceeds 100 million and continues to grow.

What is already in the work?

This year several projects with augmented reality are expected at once. Among the first Google partners are three developers. Ludia is preparing a Jurassic World Alive game based on Jurassic Park, Next Games promises to populate the planet with live dead in The Walking Dead: Our World, and FourThirtyThree and Sony are working on Ghostbusters World for Ghostbusters fans.

On this list does not end. Niantic is not going to rest on his laurels after the Pokémon fever and is already working on a new game Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in the Harry Potter universe (in partnership with WB Games San Francisco). The project should see the light in 2018.

Source: Google