Pavel Durov refused to give the FSB encryption keys Telegram. Now they want to block Messenger in Russia
Yesterday passed a hearing on Telegram in Russia. The Supreme Court of Russia dismissed the claim of the lawyers of the company Telegram, who tried to obtain the cancellation of the order of the FSB regarding the decipherment of communications.
What happened?
Recall that a few days ago Roskomnadzor sent a message to Telegram Messenger LLP about need to pass the FSB keys to decrypt user correspondence. Telegram is required to provide decryption keys as the organizer of the dissemination of information in the Internet. By law, the messenger must do this in within 15 days after Roskomnadzor's warning. After this, the agency can apply to court with statement of Telegram lock Russia.
What do both sides say?
Durov always said that Telegram was not has nothing to do with Russia and not is a Russian product. AND on another outburst of power he answered expectantly - Telegram for people, we nothing is break, leave me alone. AT They rely on their 23 article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in which states that everyone has the right to secret of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other messages. A restriction of this right is allowed only for basis of judicial decision. AT The FSB responds that no formal do not need correspondence from Telegram, and just encryption keys. Sense like that same, but specifically about keys in Nothing it is written.
Is it possible to block Telegram in Russia?
As experts say, it is quite real. For this Roskomnadzor should make an instant messenger in its register of prohibited sites resource. After that, communication operators, who at least once a day turn to this register, must conduct an actual block on their networks, which will lead to the termination of the service in Russia. Roskomnadzor must also send a request to remove Telegram from the stores of Google Play and the App Store. This will be more difficult because Telegram does not conflict with the interests of Apple and Google.