Cruise fires nine top executives after investigation into robotaxi incident

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 14.12.2023, 16:04


General Motors Corporation's Cruise unmanned taxi division has fired nine high-ranking employees as part of an accident investigation when a robot car hit a pedestrian in San Francisco in October.

Here's What We Know

Those fired include chief operating officer Gil West, top legal executive Jeff Bleich and senior vice president of government relations David Estrada.

Cruise's investigation into the Oct. 2 incident is being conducted by the law firm Quinn Emmanuel, according to a Cruise spokesman. It is expected to conclude in January 2024.

After the incident, Cruise had to recall all robotaxis from US roads for safety checks. The company is also facing proceedings from regulators who accuse it of covering up risks and misleading the public.

GM says the layoffs are necessary to restore confidence in Cruise and maximise transparency and accountability on robotaxi safety. The newly appointed president of the division said it has achieved "record low levels" of incidents.

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Source: Reuters