Prepare to die: Bethesda announced RAGE2 and showed the first game trailer

By: Igor Nikitin | 15.05.2018, 08:04

Bethesda confirmed the guesswork about the development of RAGE2, releasing the official game trailer.

What is known

Walmart did not lie, and the Bethesda teasers turned out to be not useless pictures. RAGE2 really exists and is being developed. In the first trailer there are no gameplay frames, it is made with live actors, but the game setting is already understandable.

RAGE2 is similar to the illegitimate son Bulletstorm and Mad Max. Developers will throw players into the open world of post-apocalypse with cars and survivors who traveled. It is noteworthy that id Software is working on the project in cooperation with Avalanche Studios, which is responsible for the Mad Max game of 2015 of birth. Let's hope that Avalanche did not touch the open world of RAGE2.

"Plunge into the post-apocalyptic universe, where there is no society, no law, no order. RAGE2 was the brainchild of two colossi of the gaming industry: recognized masters in the creation of open worlds Avalanche Studios and guru of shooters id Software. In the end, it turned out a delicious meat grinder, where you can go anywhere, shoot anything and blow anything you want, "- says the official page of the game.

When to expect

Bethesda did not name the release date of the game, but we know that RAGE2 will be released on PS4, XONE and PC. And do not worry about the lack of gameplay shots. The official gameplay of RAGE2 will be shown to us on May 15.

Source: Bethesda