Media: Blizzard has cancelled development of an ambitious survival simulator that hasn't even had an official title yet

By: Anton Kratiuk | 25.01.2024, 17:44

The parade of sad news from Microsoft and Blizzard continues.

In the material devoted to the massive wave of layoffs in Microsoft Gaming and the departure of Blizzard Entertainment president Mike Ybarra, well-known journalist Tom Warren reported about another unexpected decision of American companies.

Here's What We Know

According to The Verge, Microsoft and Blizzard have decided to completely postpone the development of an ambitious fantasy survival simulator under the working title Odyssey, the creation of which became known in early 2022, and the development team to redistribute to other unannounced projects Blizzard.

The reasons for such a radical step are not yet named, but it can be assumed that it is due to a change of leadership and a global review of the concept of development of Blizzard and the entire division of Microsoft Gaming.

Source: The Verge