Bandai Namco raises the quality requirements for its games and announced the cancellation of five projects at once

By: Anton Kratiuk | 16.02.2024, 18:57

Bandai Namco has published another financial report. We have already reported about the excellent sales of Tekken 8 fighting game, but its success didn't save the Japanese company from falling profits.

Here's What We Know

Financial calculations for the third quarter showed a surprising figure: Bandai Namco's revenues fell by 96.5% (!!!) compared to the same period last year.

This is not to say that Bandai Namco is in danger of bankruptcy, but to show the incredible success of Elden Ring. Such a significant drop in profits is the result of a legitimate decline in interest in the action-RPG, as almost two years have passed since its release.

In addition, Bandai Namco raises the requirements to the quality of its games and, perhaps as a consequence, reported the cancellation of five unannounced projects.

It is known that at the moment the Japanese company is preparing for the release of a major add-on Shadow of the Erdtree to Elden Ring, which is likely to be released very soon, as well as a new part of Dragon Ball.

Source: VGC