"Multiplatforming is an area we want to actively work on." Sony head intends to change policy for PlayStation exclusives in the near future

By: Vlad Cherevko | 15.02.2024, 15:22

Since 2020, PlayStation's PC exclusives have been released with a noticeable delay compared to the console release. But judging by new comments from Sony's chief executive, that won't be the case all the time.

Sony Group President, COO and CFO Hiroki Totoki, responding to investor questions coinciding with Sony's latest financial report, said the company is "actively working to release more games on other platforms as part of an 'aggressive' profit growth plan." Thereby reducing the lag period between game releases on PlayStation and PC.

When asked how its gaming division could seek to increase profits, he first mentioned the difficulty of reducing PlayStation hardware costs given component prices, before highlighting a "multi-platform" approach to its own game releases as a potentially more fruitful area of expansion.

Playstation-exclusive games

"In the past, as you all know," Totoki explained, "we wanted to popularise [our] console, and the main goal of a first-person game was to make the console popular.

"That's true," he continued, "but there's a synergy to it. So if you have strong proprietary content not only on our console but also on other platforms like PCs, you can expand your own version with multiplatforming, and that can help increase operating margins. So that's another issue that we want to actively work on."

Recall that under the leadership of the previous head of PlayStation Jim Ryan, who announced his departure from the company in September last year, the release of games for PC (if we are not talking about the game service) was delayed for at least a year relative to the console debut.

Source: eurogamer